US Cellular believes it.
This advert is either loved or hated. Comments found on youtube:
So why did US Cellular not support the USA and instead have this ad filmed in South Africa, quite possibly one of the most violent nations on earth with 22% of the population infected with AIDS?
I want that bear!!! :)
Thanks for posting it, now I can see that bear anytime I want. ;)
You want to see this commerical in action start talking on your phone in a restaurant. Someone will point out how nice life is with a kind gesture involving their middle finger.
Definitely filmed in Cape Town, South Africa.
Music Company: Musikvernuegen
Composer: Walter Werzowa
Mix: Ravenswork, Eleven
Mixer: Robert Feist, Jeff Fuller
Released: July 2008
Avertiser: U.S. CELLULAR
Country: USA
Category: Commercial public services
31 minuti fa
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