'In the wake of the devastating Cyclone Nargis that hit Burma on 2 May, more than one million people are homeless, up to 128,000 killed.
This natural disaster was turned into a man-made catastrophe by Burma's brutal regime. They blocked international aid and left thousands without food, shelter or medicine. The real disaster in Burma is the government.
Burma is ruled by one of the most brutal dictatorships in the world. It ruthlessly persecutes, imprisons and tortures human rights and democracy activists. Thousands of men, women and children are used as slave labour.
Please help us bring human rights and democracy to Burma. Go to http://www.burmacampaign.org.uk'
The Real Disaster
Johnny Chatterton and Anna Roberts, Burma Campaign UK
Creative agency
Richard Barnett and Layla Atkinson @ Trunk Design
Alun Howell
Art director
Vijay Sawant
33 minuti fa
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