lunedì 6 ottobre 2008


The kind of news I like most. The woman who was chosen to front Wonderbra's "real" women ad campaign has quit after being told she needs to lose weight and drop two dress sizes. Katie Green, former New Look shop assistant, said: "It's been very hard for me. They told me that I had to lose weight and be like the other models or I was finished, so I decided to quit. I did not want to sacrifice my health or happiness."
I adore this woman.

3 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

katie green ti stimo!

frammore ha detto...

e io ti invidio!essere così!eheh

Anonimo ha detto...

Si vede che lo stipendio da new look le bastava per pagare l'affitto/le bollette/la spesa/la benzina...

Sicuramente lei has been fired altro che quit!

ps: pare che bere 6-8 bicchieri d'acqua al giorno sia indispensabile per il corretto funzionamento cardio-circolatorio!