Mi ha colpito un post di Dave Trott - un famoso creativo inglese della scorsa generazione, autore di Creative Mischief - sugli effetti dei premi sulla pubblicità. Si può non essere d'accordo, si può ritenerla una battaglia di retroguardia, e di certo in mano al cliente questi concetti possono distruggere ogni forma di originalità. Ma è una di quelle lezioni fondamentali, quelle del primo anno, che non bisogna dimenticare mai.
Let's see if we can remember the original purpose of advertising.
Wasn't it something to do with selling stuff to people?
So didn't it have to be done with ordinary people in mind?
Ordinary, non-advertising, people.
Surely ordinary people were important to advertising at some point.
Maybe that was in the days before awards.
When people talking about your ads in the street was important.
When school kids singing your song or repeating your message was important.
When TV programmes or newspapers repeating your strapline was important.
When the object was to get the advertising into the language.
So it caught on and grew.
In the days before viral was a specific medium.
When the people who actually bought the product were more important than the people who made the ads.