IKEA Germany transformed the IKEA catalogue into a 3D installation, creating a replica of the catalogue cover and taking it on tour in shopping malls. People were invited to have their photograph taken on the catalogue cover. Five days later they were able to visit their local IKEA store to pick up their personalised version of the catalogue featuring their own photograph. 7,120 people had their pictures taken. 4039 of them picked up their personalized catalogue at IKEA.
Sono sicuro che te lo ricordi: dov'eri l'11 settembre del 2001? Se lo ricordano tutti. Io ero perso in una lunga, noiosa riunione con il marketing di un'azienda, al settimo piano di un palazzo bianco nel centro di Milano, mi ricordo anche l'irritazione crescente per una serie di obiezioni insulse che stava distruggendo un'idea - quando un tipo è entrato e ci ha detto: un aereo ha centrato le torri gemelle a New York. Cosa? Chi? Non si sa bene, un incidente, un dirottamento, ci sono migliaia di morti. Ma qualcuno, molto ligio, sembra impossibile, ma ha detto: su, per favore, finiamo il nostro meeting! Io ero già via con la testa. Dopo un po' rientra: un altro aereo, e uno sul pentagono, e altri sono in volo. A questo punto nessuno riesce più a stare seduto, la riunione viene aggiornata, mi ricordo perfettamente che sono sceso, i taxi non si trovavano, c'era un silenzio irreale, la gente guardava le tv nelle vetrine. Era un bel pomeriggio di settembre, ho fatto a piedi una mezz'ora di strada, e guardavo in cielo, con una sensazione di imminente catastrofe, guardavo il cielo pensando che da un momento all'altro avrei visto, come in uno dei miei incubi, un aereo che esplode mentre lo sto guardando, e i pezzi mi precipitano davanti. Dov'eri, quel giorno? Scrivilo.
Bella questa campagna della BBC.
Agency: RKCR/Y&R, London Creative Director: Mark Roalfe Art Directors: Mike Boles, Jerry Hollens Producer: Ella Littlewood Production Company: Red Bee Media, London / Another Film Company, London Director: Steve Reeves DP: Alex Melman Editor: Scot Crane @ The Quarry Post-Production: Glassworks Audio Post-Production: Wave
Client: Statkraft Title: Future Agency: DDB, Oslo Copywriter: Magdalena Kamøy / Joachim Bjørndahl Art Directors: Joachim Haug / Kenneth Lamond Johansen Production Company: Motion Blur, Oslo Production Company: Motion Blur Director: Joachim Haug / Kenneth Lamond Johansen
TVC: Kellogg Coco Pops, Any single breakfast, Leo Burnett Milano. Creative Directors: Rodriguez-Dorizza Art: Alessia Casini Copy Paolo Guglielmoni. Produzione: Bedeschi Film.
PRINT: Bloodbusters, Believe us Leagas Delaney, Milan,Creative Directors: Stefano Campora, Stefano Rosselli Art Director: Eustachio Ruggieri, Copywriter: Stefano Campora
PRINT: Nycomed, Breaktrough pain, Sentrix Europe Mi, Creative Directors: Clayton Love, Silvana Vescovi Copywriter: Clayton Love, Art Directors: Marco Adelfio, Nathalie Garcia, Lorenzo Oleotti, Silvana Vescovi
Un'agenzia italiana premiata all'epica in una categoria prestigiosa, il web film. Diesel Kids è stato giudicato dalla giuria di Epica, che ha concluso i suoi lavori ieri, miglior film europeo on line (download su www.dieselkids.com).
La realizzazione si deve alla piccola agenzia milanese Abstract:groove in collaborazione con il Diesel Creative Team. Il video unisce tecniche e stili differenti come live action, stop motion, motion graphic e 3d. Per lʼagenzia hanno lavorato lʼart director Luigi Pane, anche regista, con il direttore della fotografia Luca Fantini, lʼexecutive producer Giada Risso e il producer Mauro Mastronicola. Vichie Chinaglia, Vito Dʼambrosio, Luca Siano, Valentina Vicini si sono occupati degli effetti visivi e dellʼanimazione 2d e 3d.
Which is the most popular viral application ever? Surprisingly, Elfyourself. Last year, 123 million elves were created, and the ElfYourself.com website recorded 193 million unique visitors in 2007, up from 36 million in 2006. So, OfficeMax is bringing back its viral-video hit promotion for the third year. 95% of last year's elf-watchers said they wanted the promotion to return. With a new technology, the elves that consumers put their own faces on can now be downloaded, e-mailed, posted and embedded in web pages. There are four dance videos -- disco, country, Charleston and classic -- which can accept five different faces. A one-time upload puts the five faces into all four dances. In just the first four days since launching ElfYourself.com, traffic is already tracking higher than last year.
La prima volta l'ho visto a Lione, due anni e mezzo fa, facilmente ho staccato la bici e ho girato felice in mezzo ai due fiumi e su per la salite. E mi sono chiesto, ma a Milano lo faranno mai? Poi una domenica a Parigi, quest'estate. Ho litigato parecchio con la palina telematica e la carta di credito (devo aver sbagliato qualcosa perchè alla fine ho pagato quasi 90 euro per un giorno con tre bici), ma mi sono pedalato tutta la città, ho visto decine di posti-bici e centinaia di persone in giro. E mi sono di nuovo chiesto, ma a Milano? Ce la faremo? Mi ricordo di quella volta, quanti anni fa, che vennero messe a disposizione delle bici gratis e nel giro di un giorno le avevano rubate tutte. E negli ultimi mesi si parlava di difficoltà, di rinvii. E invece, tra le tante brutte notizie, ecco finalmente. Debutta il 28 novembre BikeMI. Il servizio di biciclette pubbliche sarà gestito dalla società pubblicitaria di outdoor che in cambio ha ricevuto spazi pubblicitari speciali in città. Il servizio inizia con 65 stazioni e 800 bici, che il mese prossimo diventeranno 1300. A fine 2009, verrà ampliato a 5.000 bici e 300 stazioni.I mezzi sono brandizzati con il marchio di Atm. La campagna pubblicitaria, stampa e affissione, curata dall'Art Directors Club, è fatta di una decina di soggetti. Agli annunci hanno lavorato lʼart Gianluca Chinnici e il copy Umberto Bartolini, insieme a Marco Cremona e Stefano Colombo. Belle le head, annunci un po' esilini. In mezzo al traffico, in auto, ho fatto fatica a vederli e leggerli. Magari, andando in bici si vedranno meglio.
MTV and Truth - the nation’s largest youth smoking prevention campaign - launched "The Blaze", a four part reality show that plays by the same rules as Big Tobacco. First aired during The Real World Road Rules Challenge "The Island". Read more here
Agency: MTV Writer/Director: Alan Harris
episode 1
Boulder Push requires two contestants to push against a huge boulder in opposite directions in order to move the boulder into their corner. When the contestants balk that the task can’t be done, the host reassures them that it is only a “light boulder” and the camera shows it labeled as such. After one of the contestants is crushed with the boulder, the voiceover explains that “Big Tobacco labels cigarettes as light and ultra-light even though they can be as deadly and addictive as regular cigarettes.”
episode 2
Chemical Pass challenges two contestants to fill a cup on one end of a course with a variety of chemicals from bottles placed on a table at the other end of the course. The catch is that the contestants can only use their “own body, and the clothes [they] have on.” After they attempt to transport formaldehyde in their mouths, or try to grab caustic formic acid with their hands, or splash radioactive polonium 210 in their eyes, the contestants can’t complete the task and lay on the ground writhing in pain. The voiceover explains that “of course this wouldn’t happen from smoking, but these [chemicals] and more than 4,000 other chemicals, can be found in cigarettes or cigarette smoke.”
episode 3
In Name Change one contestant is challenged to take on the “Flight of Death”, by climbing 50 feet up a platform and attempting to jump for a gold ring 10 feet away -- with no net beneath him. After he misses and his broken legs are tended to by the paramedics, the host tells another contestant that his “challenge is totally different. It’s called Leap of Fun.” In fact, the challenge is exactly the same and has the same results. The voiceover reveals that “In 2001, a Big Tobacco executive said changing the name of their company could, quote, ‘focus attention away from tobacco.’”
episode 4
In Mystery Pool two contestants are asked to swim to the bottom of a pond and collect as many gold coins as they can in 30 seconds. The pond is black and oozing and contains what appears to be a sea monster, judging by the tentacle sliding through it. The host explains that he is “not legally obligated” to tell them what is in the pool. After the contestants jump in and are given their 30 seconds of collection time, the host calls them back, only to be answered with a burp from the “pond monster”. The voiceover says that “Products like chips and cereal list ingredients on their labels, but cigarettes, a product that kills a third of its users, doesn’t.”
A pair of lips is walking down the street singing Aha’s “Take On Me”. The ad is for Xbox 360 Lips, the singing game that offers wireless motion-sensitive microphones and the ability to sing along with 40 preloaded songs or your own digital music collection, due for release on November 21.
Agency: T.A.G., San Francisco, creative directors: Scott Duchon, Geoff Edwards, John Patroulis Art director: Nate Able Copywriter: Mat Bunnel. Production: MJZ Director: Tom Kuntz Editing: Steve Gandolfi at Cut & Run.
Another 'singing in the game' ad is for Bol.com. Nice.
Agency: Etcetera, Holland - Creatives: Stan van Zon, Gido van der Vlies - Direction: Minivegas - Post: Hectic Electric & Minivegas - CG Supervisor: Maarten Boon
Advertising Agency: BBDO, Düsseldorf, Germany Chief Creative Officer: Toygar Bazarkaya Creative Director: Ton Hollander Art Director: Sven Klasen Copywriters: Markus Steinkemper, Toni Selzer Client Consultants: Marco Golbach/Dirk Spakowski/Bas Verdoorn
The claim "Should have gone to Specsavers" is getting more and more popular. The Specsavers in-house creative team released a viral sending up Barclaycard's 'waterslide' ad. The viral, filmed in the company's Guernsey offices, was completed in two days on a shoestring budget.In this version of the story, the hero launches himself into a chute which ends up in a manky skip. Specsavers creative director, Graham Daldry, said: "The Barclaycard ad was like a gift to us. Their man could've so easily been cast for Specsavers." The viral, put on Youtube, has been sent around by the digital agency I-Level.
The spoof
Agency Specsavers Creative Creative Director Graham Daldry CW/Art Director Michael Hutchinson, Naomi Bishop Producer Lindsay de Sausmarez, Louise Fletcher Director/Editor Chris Denton Music Angel's Egg Composer Simon Bass
Speed around schools has always been a huge issue in the Rodney district. So to get people to slow down Colenso BBDO, Auckland created a campaign that would get people thinking about how it would feel to kill a child. To launch the campaign they plastered the whole district with images of a haunting little girl. For two weeks people saw the mysterious girl on walls, poles, around schools, shopping malls, parks, road sides, etc. Then during week three of the campaign we placed a sticker over the girl revealing the line, "The kids you kill never leave you".
Agency: TBWA, London CD: Al Young Creatives: Lee Tan, Graeme Bowman & Senan Lee Agency Producer: Esme Fisher Production Company: Joyrider Director: Reuben Sutherland Producer: Spencer Friend DP: Jonas Mortenson Editor: Reuben Sutherland, Joyrider 3D Animation: Matt Westrup, Russell Boyd, Joyrider Compositing: Reuben Sutherland, Joyrider Grading: Joyrider & The Mill
Aborigens of an unknown island have understood the real utility of a car.
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Australia Creatives: Steve Back (Executive Creative Director) - Dave Bowman (Creative Director) - Eron Broughton (Art Director) - STEVE MAY (Copywriter) - Director: Hank Perlman Production Company: Prodigy Films/Hungry Man
'Who will pay for man's sins?' It's the headline of the campaign that 'Telefono Donna', an italian organization for woman rights, has proposed to Milan public admnistration. November 25th is the Day against Violence on Women. The ad is raising a strong discussion among opposite political parties.
A spoof edition of the New York Times announcing the end of the war was distributed yesterday in Manhattan, creating some buzz. The paper is dated July 4, 2009, and imagines a liberal utopia of national health care, a rebuilt economy, progressive taxation, a national oil fund to study climate change, and other goals of progressive politics.
Funny viral to promote the bluetrack technology mouse by microsoft.
http://www.microsoft.com/uk/hardware/mouseandkeyboard/bluetrack/default.aspx 'Better than optical. Better than laser1.' Welcome to a world of ease, with BlueTrack™ Technology. Only available from Microsoft, this new tracking technology allows you to use a mouse on virtually any surface. So you can work with confidence wherever you are – from a granite countertop to an airport bench, or your living-room floor.
I love this ad. I don't know whether the poster was originally ripped or not, but this way the meaning is more evident and powerful. Beware of who wants to tell you the secret. The secret doesn't exist. It can't be told. Or, better, must be discovered by oneself.
Client: The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Agency: zig Executive Creative Director: Martin Beauvais Creative Director: Writer Aaron Starkman Creative Directo: Art Director Stephen Leps
Toshiba is airing a TV campaign to promote its home entertainment. The ad, shot on Toshiba products to showcase their hi-tech capability, manipulates "snapshots of time" using more than 200 camcorders and video data.
Agency: Grey London Executive Creative Director: Andy Amadeo Editor: Christophe Williams/ The Whitehouse Director: Mitch Stratten Production Company: Hungry Man Post Visual Effects/ The Mill
Impressive video concept by TBWA Paris for Douleur sans Frontieres, a french medical organisation.
Agency: TBWA\MAP, Paris - Executive Creative Director: Sébastien Vacherot, Manoelle Van der Vaeren - Art director: Stéphane Lecoq - Copywriter: Alban Pénicaut - Art Buyer: Vanessa Barbel - Director: Philippe Gamer / Fred Remuzat -
The ad, by Nitro, shows Albert Morgan trying on one of Ronaldo's Nike Pro base layer shirts, and stepping out on to the Old Trafford pitch. The viral also features a tribute to a previous Nike viral, where Ronaldinho rebounded the ball to himself off the bar nine times in a row.
Advertising Agency: Mather Communications, Prague, Czech Republic Creative Director: Will Rust, Jirka Langpaul Art Director: David Zezula, Marek Hes Copywriter: Will Rust
Indonesian studio Art Snob realized this nice poster for Software Asli, a real replica of the Photoshop interface. Colours, brushes, pencils, boxes, a lot of objects and patience to recreate an analogical versione of the popular graphic software.
Agency Santo, Buenos Aires, who last year launched the famous viral 'todos por un pelo', now created this weird love story among Toby & Sheila, a dog and a (stuffed) duck.
Client Telecom Product Arnet Agency Santo Title 'Toby&Sheila' Creative Directors Maximiliano Anselmo, Sebastián Wilhelm Copywriter Hernán Rebalderia Art Director Santiago Dulce Tema: Aerosmith - I don't wanna to miss a thing
Cinici e divertenti questi film argentini per Mamà Lucchetti. Tra l'altro il jingle, manhà manhà, una vecchia canzone composta nel 69 da Piero Umiliani per il film 'Svezia inferno e paradiso', era la musica di un carosello, ma non mi ricordo più quale. Ed è poi diventato famosa in tutto il mondo per una esecuzione dei Muppets.
Agency: Madre, Buenos Aires - Creative Direction: Madre - Production Company: Peppermelon, Buenos Aires - Director: Tomas García - Character Designers & Art Direction: Juan Molinet, Tomas García, Madre - Senior Animator: Martin Dasnoy - Animators: Leandro Feuz, Ignacio Godoy - 3d Modeling and Character Rigging: Ignacio Godoy - Backgrounds, Lighting and Render: Guillermo Kelly - 3D modeling, Rigging and Animation Assistants: Diego Rozek, Leandro Muchenik, Diego Collell - Technical Effects Director: Ignacio Godoy - Voice Talents: Inaudito - Sound Designer: Andrés Cáceres
Another great campaign by Transport For London, based on 'attention tests'. Last year they realized the famous 'Cyclists Awareness Test', video.
Agency: WCRS, London Creatives: Kit Dayaram, Tom Spicer Production company: Gorgeous Enterprises, London Director: Chris Palmer Post production: The Mill, London
But warned by Officials, Starbucks Changed Election Day Offer. Chain gave Free Coffee to All, Not Just Voters http://adage.com/article?article_id=132241
The 60 sec TV commercial "Rise Stand Resist" for the FPS game RESISTANCE 2.
Client: Sony PS3 Agency: Deutsch, Los Angeles Group Creative Director: Mike Bryce, Jason Elm Senior Copywriter: Josh Fell Art Director: Brandt Lewis SVP/Director of Integrated Production: Tom Dunlap Production Company: Rascal Films, New York Director: Stuart Rideout
Fantastico. Grandissima idea, idee lungo tutto il filmato, grande regia, sono stato con il fiato sospeso per un minuto e mezzo. E mi facevano anche male gli occhi. Ha vinto un bronzo a Cannes, ma mi era sfuggito. 'The whole world has its eyes on this one Asian woman'
Emile Hirsch, who played the adventurer Christopher McCandless in the beautiful movie Into the wild, spends a whole day doing... what?
starring Emile Hirsch directed by Ace Norton produced by Charles Spano edited by Isaac Hagy cinematography by Clay Jeter & Will Basanta The Darkroom/ Partizan Commondeer Productions