La pubblicità sulla stampa è in costante declino, mentre cresce ogni anno quella sui nuovi media digitali. Qualcuno ha pensato di mettere insieme stampa e video. Il risultato per ora non mi sembra irresistibile. Però stiamo a vedere.
On September 18th, the readers of Entertainment Weekly could discover this new savior; an advertising video in a paper magazine! This technological feat is the fruit of the Americhip agency, which specializes in print video. No less opportunistic, PepsiCo associated themselves with CBS to diffuse this experimental advertisement. From
I pesci che fluttuano nelle strade vuote sono bellissimi. Un altro modo di parlare di 'shareing', dopo la T Mobile Dance. “The world is full of things to share,” “That’s why only U.S. Cellular has free incoming calls, text and pics.”
Advertising Agency: Publicis & Hal Riney Chief Creative Officer: Roger Camp ACD/Art Director: Rich North ACD/Copywriter: Adam Koppel Production Company: Anonymous Content Director: Garth Davis Music company: Level 2 Music Composer: John Lee
E' nelle sale USA in questi giorni. Per ora non sono riuscito in nessun modo a vederlo o scaricarlo, ma penso che prima o poi arriverà. Per ora possiamo guardare questo trailer (dopo quello presentato qui).
Synopsis (from The Ad mad) ART & COPY is a powerful new film about advertising and inspiration. Directed by Doug Pray (SURFWISE, SCRATCH, HYPE!), it reveals the work and wisdom of some of the most influential advertising creatives of our time — people who’ve profoundly impacted our culture, yet are virtually unknown outside their industry. Exploding forth from advertising’s “creative revolution” of the 1960s, these artists and writers all brought a surprisingly rebellious spirit to their work in a business more often associated with mediocrity or manipulation: George Lois, Mary Wells, Dan Wieden, Lee Clow, Hal Riney and others featured in ART & COPY were responsible for “Just Do It,” “I Love NY,” “Where’s the Beef?,” “Got Milk,” “Think Different,” and brilliant campaigns for everything from cars to presidents. They managed to grab the attention of millions and truly move them. Visually interwoven with their stories, TV satellites are launched, billboards are erected, and the social and cultural impact of their ads are brought to light in this dynamic exploration of art, commerce, and human emotion.
Calvin performs a version of his new single Ready For The Weekend on a unique human synthesiser. The instrument employs 15 bikini clad models painted with Bare Conductive, a new skin safe ink which conducts electricity. When the performers touch the connection completes a circuit, triggering a sound. The instrument consists of 34 pads on the floor which have been painted with the conductive ink and connected to a computer via some clever custom electronics. The performers stand on the pads, and touch hands to complete a circuit and trigger a sound. Different combinations of pads trigger the different sounds needed to play the track.
The project is the result of a collaboration between Calvin Harris and masters students from the Royal College of Art's Industrial Design Engineering programme.
Bare Conductive was developed by RCA students Bibi Nelson, Becky Pilditch, Isabel Lizardi and Matt Johnson. The custom electronics and software for the project were created by Matt Johnson, employing two Arduinos and the graphical audio programming tool Max MSP. The performers, floor pads, Arduinos and Max MSP combine to create a giant MIDI controller which is used to create music which is sequenced and quantized with Ableton Live.
Special thanks to: RCA / Bare Conductive - Bibi Nelson, Becky Pilditch, Isabel Lizardi, Matt Johnson - Jerwood Space -
Prendere o non prendere il coltello? Andare o non andare al party? Partecipare o no alla lite? Pugnalare alle gambe o al petto? Bello questo filmato con esiti a scelta. Coinvolgente, ben girato, una bella lezione. Uno degli usi più intelligenti di youtube.
Agency: AMV BBDO, London Creatives: Jeremy Tribe & Prabs Wignarajaj Production Company: Mad Cow Films, London Director: Simon Ellis
La campagna Johnny Walker la trovo splendida. Il keep walking ha prodotto alcuni film bellissimi, come quello dell'androide. La settimana scorsa è uscito Tree. che dire: forse per il budget non all'altezza dell'idea, forse perchè di alberi che camminano ne abbiamo visti, ma non è che mi entusiasmi.
Il 21 di agosto ci sarà negli USA la prima del film Art & Copy, un film sulla creatività pubblicitaria realizzato da Doug Pray per One Show. Racconta le storie di alcuni dei creativi più famosi: Lee Clow (Apple Computer 1984,); Dan Wieden ("Just Do It"); Hal Riney (la campagna per Reagan); George Lois (MTV e Tommy Hilfiger). Ecco un trailer.
Director: Doug Pray Executive Producers: David Baldwin, Gregory Beauchamp, Kirk Souder, Mary Warlick Producers: Jimmy Greenway, Michael Nadeau Cinematographer: Peter Nelson Editor: Philip Owens Music: Jeff Martin
Ogni tanto, un video esplode e fa il giro del mondo. Stavolta sono Jill and Kevin. In luglio è JK Wedding Entrance Dance. Al momento 16030554 di visualizzazioni, a cui vanno aggiunti altri clip analoghi. E 75498 commenti. I soliti show USA si sono buttati sul fenomeno e lo stanno riproducendo in studio. Chris Brown, autore del pezzo musicale, si frega le mani.
La campagna In an absolut world ha il pregio di tentare strade sempre nuove. Qui, alcuni artisti ha creato installazioni in giro per il mondo che raccontano la filosofia di Absolut. L'idea è di scrivere il claim usando palloni luminosi, bottiglie, spighe, ghiaccio. Su Facebook si possono vedere i singoli pezzi. Doing things differently leads to something excpetional. In an absolut world. Dall'inizio ti aspetti di più.