Creativity Online ha fatto la classifica degli spot, delle campagne integrate e delle agenzie più premiate.
TV Commercials
1 Comcast / Rabbit
2 Skittles / Pinata
3 Shelter / House of Cards
4 Nike / Next Level
5 Crest / Bulldozer
6 Bjork / Wanderlust
7 Audi / Gymnast
8 Discovery Networks / I Love the World
9 Nike / Fate
10 Durex / Get It On
11 Coca Cola / It's Mine
Integrated campaigns
100 Obama / Obama For America
90 New York City Depart. of Education / Million
65 Haagen-Dazs / Help the Honey Bees
60 NYC & Co. and Warner Bros. / Oasis Dig Out Your Soul
55 The Great Schlep / The Great Schlep
55 Burger King / Whopper Sacrifice
50 Islands of the Great Barrier Reef / Best Job in the World
50 Doppelherz Health Care Products / The Doppelherz Poem Reading
35 T-Mobile / Dance
25 Skittles / Pinata
25 HORNBACH Home Improvement Superstores / The House of Imagination
Goodby Silverstein & Partners San Francisco 680
Crispin Porter + Bogusky 365
Saatchi & Saatchi New York 345
Wieden + Kennedy Portland 320
Droga5 New York 295
BBDO New York 205
Dentsu Tokyo 200
TBWA Chiat Day New York 200
Cumminsnitro Brisbane 200
Leo Burnett Lisboa 200
Creativity compiles results from the six most significant awards shows: ADC, AICP, ANDYS, Cannes, Clios, D&AD, and One Show.
Companies and people are credited with award wins in every category at all the included shows. Different weights are assigned to Gold, Silver, Bronze and Best of Show/Grand Prix Awards.
1 ora fa
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