Non c'era mio padre, che è nato nel 1931, nè mia madre. C'era mio nonno, ma aveva 22 anni, e forse non sapeva nemmeno dove fosse, l'America. Nessuna delle persone con cui mi capita di parlare se la ricorda, la crisi del 29. Forse è per questo che oggi siamo così spaventati. Perchè abbiamo a che fare con qualcosa che nessuno di noi ha conosciuto davvero. Ma chi ha 102 anni, forse ha qualcosa da dire.
(Esta es una historia real. En estos tiempos difíciles reunimos al hombre más viejo con el bebé más joven.
Hola Aitana, me llamo Josep Mascaró y tengo 102 años.
Soy un suertudo. Suerte por haber nacido, como tú, por poder abrazar a mi mujer, por haber conocido a mis amigos, por haberme despedido de ellos, por seguir aquí.
Te preguntarás cuál es la razón de venir a conocerte hoy, es que muchos te dirán que a quien se le ocurre llegar en los tiempos que corren, que hay crisis, que no se puede. Esto te hará fuerte, yo he vivido momentos peores que éste, pero al final de lo único que te vas a acordar es de las cosas buenas. No te entretengas en tonterías, que las hay, y vete a buscar lo que te haga feliz que el tiempo corre muy deprisa. He vivido 102 años y te aseguro que lo único que no te va a gustar de la vida, es que te va a parecer demasiado corta. Estás aquí para ser feliz.)
Copy:"This is a real story. In this hard times, we got together the oldest man with the youngest baby.
Helo Aitana, my name is Josep Mascaró and I'm 102 years old.
I'm really lucky. Lucky because I was born, like you, because of being able to hug my wife, because I met my friends, because I could say goodbye to them, because I'm still here.You might be wondering what is the reason that made me come here to meet you, and some will tell you that it is not a good idea to arrive in this moment, that there is a crisis, that it just can't be. This will make you stronger, I've lived worst moments and in the end you will just remember the good things. Do not let silly things detain you, there are a lot of them but you should look for that what makes you happy, as time just flies by.I've lived 102 years and I can tell you that the only thing you are not going to like from life is that it will seem so short. You are here to be happy."
Agency: McCann-Erickson Madrid, Spain
General Creative Director: Leandro Raposo
Executive Creative Directors: Mónica Moro, Pablo Striker & Pablo Colonesse
Art Director/Creative Director: Raquel Martínez
Copywriter: Mónica Moro
Production Directosr Luis Felipe Moreno
Production Company: Landia
Director: Andy Fogwill
Director Of Photography: Mischa Lluch
Executive Producer: Ivo Van Vollenhoven
Producer: Assaf Eldar
Postproduction: Juan Bascón Insitu
Editor: José Ramón Lorenzo
Music: Jorge Viñals - "Nebular"
2 ore fa
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